




 The name of this organization shall be the Kennebec County Democratic Committee, hereinafter referred to as the KCDC. 



 Section 1. Purpose and Powers.

 It shall be the purpose of the KCDC to promote ideals and principles of the Democratic Party.

  1. It shall be the purpose of the KCDC to encourage and maintain participation and unity of Democrats and potential candidates in Kennebec County, in the State of Maine and in our nation through elections of duly nominated candidates and by so doing, aid our government in the municipalities, county, state and nation to function effectively as a true democracy and a government of all people.
  2. It shall be the purpose of the KCDC to provide leadership to, and coordination with municipal committees, the Maine State Democratic Committee, and the Democratic National Committee.
  3. It shall be the purpose of the KCDC to support the nominees elected in the State Democratic Primary and to elect Democrats to office.

Section 2. Supremacy.

 The KCDC is the supreme governing body of the Kennebec County Democratic Party when the Kennebec County Democratic Caucus of the State Convention is not in session. 

Section 3. Non-Discrimination. 

The KCDC shall be a non-discriminatory, non-profit organization. 



Section 1. Municipal Caucuses and the Election of Members. 

  1. At each biennial caucus, municipal Committees shall elect members to the KCDC.
  2. Members shall assume office as soon as elected by the municipal Committees and shall serve until the next biennial caucus.
  3. At-large KCDC members may be elected to the KCDC at any meeting provided there is a quorum present.
  4. Election to the KCDC shall be by majority vote.
  5. In the event that there is no municipal Committee, the County Chair or the Chair’s designee may convene a meeting of Democrats in that municipality, by notice in a newspaper not less than three days nor more than ten days in advance, and the County Chair or the Chair’s designee will chair the meeting until a municipal chair is elected. 

Section 2. Membership Qualifications. 

  1. Membership in the KCDC shall be open to any enrolled Democrat residing in Kennebec County.
  2. Any members of the Young Democrats of America, College Democrats of America or any Affiliated Democratic Organizations operating in the County or parts of the County may be seated as members. 

Section 3. Duties of Members. 

  1. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to attend meetings of the KCDC and participate in the government and direction of the affairs and activities of the Democratic Party in Kennebec County.
  2. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to work closely with municipal chairs in order to promote a grassroots Democratic organization.
  3. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to serve as a liaison between the municipal committees and the KCDC for the exchange of information concerning the activities and requirements of each.
  4. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to aid and cooperate with the campaigns of Democratic candidates.
  5. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to assist in fundraising efforts for KCDC activities and Democratic campaigns.
  6. It shall be the duty of a member of the KCDC to confirm the appointment or removal of the chairs and members of standing, special and ad hoc sub-Committees.



Section 1. Officers.

  1. The Officers of the KCDC shall consist of a Chair, two (2) Vice Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer.
  2. Each officer shall personally perform, or delegate in an appropriate manner, all duties specified in these bylaws and is responsible for the proper performance of any duties shared with other officers or otherwise delegated.  

Section 2: Election of Officers. 

  1. A person seeking an office on the KCDC must be a qualified member of the KCDC. A qualified member of the Kennebec County Democratic Committee is an individual elected in accordance with Article III.
  2. In January of each odd-numbered year, the Chair shall call the biennial meeting for the election of officers.
  3. In the course of electing officers, the current Chair or Chair’s designee shall preside over the election. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall preside, or in the absence of both, the Treasurer shall preside.
  4. Officers shall assume office immediately upon election and serve until the next regular election.

 Section 3. Duties and Powers of the Chair. 

  1. The Chair shall serve as the general executive officer and spokesperson of the KCDC.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the KCDC and its Executive Council.
  3. The Chair shall follow directives from the State Democratic Party regarding caucuses, the state convention, and other activities.
  4. The Chair shall be an ex-officio voting member of each sub-Committee.
  5. The Chair shall appoint or remove the members and chairs of all sub-committees, subject to the advice and approval of the KCDC.
  6. The Chair shall establish special or ad hoc sub-committees as needed.
  7. The Chair shall attend meetings of the Democratic State Committee and Caucus of County Chairs.
  8. The Chair shall serve as a liaison between the KCDC and the Democratic State Committee.
  9. The Chair to work with the Finance/Budget sub-Committee to develop a biennial budget for the consideration of the Executive Council and the KCDC.
  10. The Chair shall have to power to approve disbursement of funds for emergency expenses.
  11. The Chair to perform other duties that the KCDC may assign. 

Section 4. Duties of the First Vice-Chair. 

  1. The First Vice-Chair shall, when assigned by the Chair, attend sub-committee meetings or functions of the KCDC where the Chair’s attendance is required, expected, or beneficial.
  2. The First Vice-Chair shall act as a liaison to the Young Democrats and other affiliated Democratic Organizations.
  3. The First Vice-Chair shall act as liaison to the municipal chairs.
  4. The First Vice-Chair shall act as municipal caucus coordinator and trainer.
  5. The First Vice-Chair shall encourage grassroots organizing by facilitating the growth of municipal and affinity organizations, and act as liaison between them and the KCDC.
  6. The First Vice-Chair shall be ex-officio voting member to the Convention Committee.
  7. The First Vice-Chair shall perform other duties that the KCDC, or its Chair, may assign. 

Section 5. Duties of the Second Vice-Chair.

  1. The Second Vice-Chair shall, when assigned by the Chair, attend sub-committee meetings or functions of the KCDC where the Chair’s attendance is required, expected, or beneficial.
  2. The Second Vice-Chair shall act as volunteer recruiter, trainer, and coordinator.
  3. The Second Vice-Chair shall act as candidate recruiter.
  4. The Second Vice-Chair shall assist all Kennebec County candidates for office in any and all ways consistent with KCDC policy, and state and federal laws.
  5. The Second Vice-Chair shall perform other duties that the KCDC, or its Chair, may assign. 

Section 6. Duties of the Secretary. 

  1. The Secretary shall keep a complete and accurate record of all KCDC meetings, filing a duplicate copy of such record with the Chair prior to the next meeting.
  2. The Secretary shall make available to any member of the KCDC for examination or copying any such records of meetings.
  3. The Secretary shall keep a cumulative record of the attendance of members at each meeting.
  4. The Secretary shall maintain a current list of all members and officers of the KCDC and municipal committees of Kennebec County.
  5. The Secretary shall release mailing lists in part or in whole only at the direction of the KCDC.
  6. The Secretary shall write and submit meeting notices to the local media.
  7. The Secretary shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Communications sub-Committee.
  8. The Secretary shall write, or cause to be written press releases on special meetings, events or specific issues as directed by the Chair and/or the KCDC.
  9. The Secretary shall act in the capacity of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
  10. The Secretary shall perform any duties that the KCDC may from time to time assign.

 Section 7. Duties of the Treasurer. 

  1. The Treasurer shall disburse funds of the KCDC at the direction of the KCDC.
  2. The Treasurer shall keep a full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.
  3. The Treasurer shall deposit all KCDC funds in the name of the KCDC in a recognized bank or trust company.
  4. The Treasurer shall provide a report of the transactions and financial condition of the KCDC at every regularly called KCDC meeting and shall make quarterly written reports.
  5. The Treasurer shall comply on a timely basis with all legal requirements relating to the receipt and disbursement of funds.
  6. The Treasurer shall file timely financial reports as required, with the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.
  7. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Finance/Budget Committee.
  8. The Treasurer shall perform other duties that the KCDC may assign. 

Section 8. Duties of the Assistant Treasurer. 

  1. The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the treasurer if he/she is unable to do so.
  2. The Assistant Treasurer shall do fundraising for the KCDC in accordance with state and federal law.
  3. The Assistant Treasurer shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Finance/Budget Committee.
  4. The Assistant Treasurer shall perform other duties that the KCDC may assign. 

Section 9. Filling of Vacancies. 

Any vacancies in the officers of the KCDC shall be filled at a KCDC meeting duly called for that purpose. The Secretary shall deliver to the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee the certificate required by law signed by the Chair and attested to by the Secretary. 



Section 1. Regular Meetings. 

Regular meetings of the KCDC shall occur on a monthly basis unless otherwise agreed to by the KCDC. 

Section 2 Special Meetings. 

The Chair may call special meetings as needed, and a special meeting shall be called upon the written request of at least five (5) KCDC members. 

Section 3. Quorum. 

A quorum shall consist of seven (7) members. 

Section 4. Notice. 

  1. Meeting notices shall be made at least seven (7) days prior to any meeting.
  2. Notice of each meeting shall be given to all general-purpose newspapers in Kennebec County at least seven (7) days prior to any meeting.
  3. Notice shall be made by electronic means to members providing an electronic address.
  4. Written notice shall be given to Chair or Secretary of each Municipal Committee, or if there is no Municipal Committee to a member of the KCDC residing within the municipality as designated by the Chair.
  5. All notices shall include the date, time, and place of the meeting and may include the agenda.



Section 1. Purpose and Powers. 

  1. The Executive Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Chair and the KCDC.
  2. The Executive Council may make recommendations but shall have no power to bind the KCDC to a final action, except as provided in this section.
  3. In situations of an urgent nature requiring immediate attention the Executive Council may make a necessary decision at a duly called and constituted meeting. When necessary, voting by telephone is acceptable, provided an attempt is made to contact every member. A report on said action shall be made to the next meeting of the Committee.
  4. The Executive Council shall perform any other tasks as may be from time to time assigned by the KCDC.

Section 2. Membership.

The membership of the Executive Council shall consist of the Officers of the KCDC and the Chair of each Permanent Standing sub-Committee. No member of the Executive Council shall exercise more than one (1) vote. 

Section 3. Meetings. 

  1. Meetings of the Executive Council shall be held as necessary, with prior notice made to all its members at the call of the Chair or of any three (3) of its members.
  2. Four (4) members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum.
  3. The Executive Council shall keep minutes of all meetings and votes shall be recorded by name and these records shall be open and available at the next KCDC meeting or upon the request of any KCDC member.



Section 1. Creation. 

The KCDC shall have the following standing sub-Committees:

  1. By-Laws & Rules.
  2. Candidate Support.
  3. Communications Committee
  4. Finance & Budget.
  5. Grievance Committee
  6. Information Technology.
  7. Membership Enrollment Committee
  8. Platform Committee
  9. Program & Special Events. 

Section 2. Duties of Committees. 

  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on By-Laws & Rules;
    1. To review, maintain, and consider the existing by-laws of the KCDC
    2. To maintain an up-to-date copy of the KCDC by-laws for the Secretary and the members of the KCDC
    3. To make recommendations and prepare revisions and amendments as directed by the KCDC.
    4. To perform any other tasks as may be from time to time assigned by the KCDC.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Candidate Support;
    1. To search for and develop Democratic candidates to run for offices.
    2. To provide assistance in developing and organizing a candidates campaign by teaching strategies and techniques.
    3. To coordinate campaigns, volunteers, available resources and services.
    4. To have a plan of action that is ready to operate in an efficient and effective way to elect our Democratic candidates into office.
    5. To research issues relevant to campaigns at the town, city, county, regional, state, and national levels.
    6. To perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Communications;
    1. To assist the KCDC Chair with notification of KCDC meetings and the dissemination of other information which may be useful to the membership.
    2. To prepare and release as appropriate, newsworthy items concerning candidates, issues and the KCDC and its functions.
    3. To help candidates and municipal committees requiring assistance with publicity. and
    4. To perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Grievance to hear and process all grievances of members or officers of the County and Municipal Committees as in the Grievance procedure of these bylaws.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Finance & Budget;
    1. To develop a biennial budget.
    2. To find ways and means of raising the money necessary to support the operation of the KCDC.
    3. To organize and coordinate fund-raising activities.
    4. To perform any other tasks as may be from time to time assigned by the KCDC.
    5. To perform any other duties required by law.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Information Technology;
    1. To Maintain and update county databases, including the voter lists and voter histories.
    2. To Maintain and update the KCDC website.
    3. To Recruit and train volunteers to help with these efforts.
    4. To perform any other tasks as may be from time to time assigned by the KCDC.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Membership Enrollment;
    1. To reach out actively to all municipal committees and provide assistance in organizational techniques, including events and speakers, at the local level.
    2. To assist in the recruitment of new members and assist with the orientation of new members.
    3. To encourage countywide activism. and
    4. To perform any other tasks that the KCDC may from time to time assign.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Platform;
    1. To provide continuing liaison between the State Platform Committee and the KCDC.
    2. To keep the KCDC advised of the State Platform Committee's progress in writing the platform.
    3. To provide a channel through which KCDC members and other Democrats can make their platform ideas known to the State Platform Committee.
    4. To provide assistance to State Convention Delegates from Kennebec County who wish to file amendments to the State Platform for consideration at the Maine Democratic Convention.
    5. To encourage all municipal committees to hold a meeting of all enrolled Democrats to discuss issues, ideas, and principles which they wish to include in the party platform as stated in the Maine Democratic Party Rules Chapter 6, Article 620, E-3 (Committee on Platform). and
    6. To perform any other tasks as may be from time to time assigned by the KCDC.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Standing sub-committee on Program & Special Events;
    1. To plan programs and special events.
    2. To arrange for speakers at regular KCDC meetings.
    3. To assist in organizing and coordinating activities such as dinners, forums and conferences of the KCDC.
    4. To perform any other duties that the KCDC may assign.

Section 3. Membership of sub-Committees. 

  1. Except as provided in these bylaws all members of sub-committees, both standing and ad-hoc (special), shall be appointed by the Chair of the KCDC subject to the advice and approval of the KCDC.
  2. All members of the MDP Convention Committee on Platform shall be ex-officio members of the KCDC standing sub-committee on Platform.

Section 4. Officers of sub-Committees.

  1. Except as provided in these bylaws the Chair of each sub-committee shall be appointed by the Chair of the KCDC, subject to the advice and approval of the KCDC.
  2. The Chair of each sub-committee shall write a report of each meeting and a copy given to the County Chair prior to the KCDC meeting and copies made available to members of the KCDC at the next County meeting or upon request.



Section 1. Parliamentary Authority.

  1. Any concerns that arise and are not covered within these By-Laws shall be deferred to the Maine Democratic Party Rules. If not covered there, the concerns shall then be further deferred to the State Party Committee on Rules for guidance and interpretation and to the State Party Counsel for guidance and ruling.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed to, all meetings shall be conducted according to the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Section 2. Grievance.

  1. Upon receiving a Grievance the Chair of the standing sub-committee on Grievance shall schedule a hearing within 20 days of receiving a written complaint.
  2. At the conclusion of the hearing the standing sub-committee on Grievance shall prepare a recommendation.
  3. The Grievance Committee Chair shall present a report on the hearing and the recommendation at the next meeting of the KCDC. The KCDC will then take action on the recommendation.
  4. Appeals from the decision of the KCDC may be made to the State Democratic Committee.

Section 3. KCDC Representative to the State Rules Committee.

  1. A person seeking this position must be a duly elected member of the KCDC.
  2. Election shall be held at a KCDC meeting as soon as possible after the State Convention, and a vacancy shall be filled promptly at a KCDC meeting.
  3. The Rules Committee Representative shall serve a two-year term.
  4. Resignations shall be submitted to the KCDC Chair or Secretary who shall notify the State Secretary of the Committee on Rules of the vacancy. Election of a representative shall be held according to this Section to serve the remainder of the term. 

Section 4. Contract for and Payment of Bills.

  1. No bills shall be contracted by any member of this KCDC unless authorized or ratified by a vote of the KCDC.
  2. All bills shall be itemized or accompanied by a statement that will reasonably show exactly what they are designed to cover.

 Section 5. Resignations. 

  1. Any KCDC member or officer may resign at any time.
  2. Such resignation shall be made in writing and shall take effect at the time specified, or if no time is specified, then it shall take effect upon receipt by the Chair or Secretary who shall record such resignation, noting the date and hour of its reception.
  3. The acceptance of a resignation by the vote of the KCDC shall not be necessary to make a resignation effective. 

Section 6. Officer and Member Removal. 

  1. The KCDC may remove a member for inaction or impropriety.
  2. Removal shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the committee members present at a meeting called for that purpose.
  3. Any member of the Executive Council may be removed because of inaction or impropriety by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the KCDC members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose.
  4. Any representative to the Democratic State Committee or State Committee on Rules may be removed because of inaction or impropriety by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the KCDC members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose.
  5. Any member or officer removed in accordance with this article shall be barred from being elected to any county or state Democratic Party position for a period of four (4) years except as provided in Article VIII, Section 5, sub-section F.
  6. Any Democrat who is barred from office in accordance with Article VIII, Section 5, sub-section E, may have their right of election reinstated by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the KCDC members present and voting at a meeting for which a written notice of at least seven (7) days has been given.



These By-Laws may be altered or amended only by a two-thirds vote of those members present at a meeting specifically called for that purpose, in which shall be incorporated the exact wording of the proposed amendment or amendments.



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